We are pleased to get back to a new form of normal at Foot Mechanics under Alert Level 1. Now that social distancing is no longer required, our waiting rooms and appointments look much like they used to.
As a health provider, we have always had strict hygiene practices in place and will continue to keep our clinics clean and safe for all who visit them. We will continue to have hand sanitiser available (as we believe good hand hygiene is essential even though COVID-19 is less of a risk) and we have the QR Codes displayed in each of our clinics for you to keep track of where you have been.
We are so proud of our team over this time and how each person has responded and adapted to working from home and taking on new tasks during each COVID-19 level. We have learnt how to use technology more effectively to stay connected and we look forward to continuing the useful skills we have gained!
Thank you to all our wonderful patients who have continued to support us during this time. If we haven’t seen you yet, we look forward to seeing you soon – thank you for supporting local business!